5 reasons to visit Italy in spring

By now you might have realised that I’m a great fan of visiting off the tourist trail places where you can soak in an authentic atmosphere and live like a local, but also I love exploring Italy in the off-peak seasons and my absolute favourite time of the year is spring!

1. The crowds haven’t yet arrived and you can visit major sights without the queues and in peace. I remember a very special and rare occasion when myself and my husband were visiting my family in Rome in early spring and we managed to have the wonderful Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museums all to ourselves!

Sistine Chapel, Rome

2. The locals are happier and their spring euphoria is contagious! I can remember myself the sense of wellbeing and happiness I would experience on the build up to Easter and spending hours in fields of wildflowers or in parks with friends to experience the magnificent renewal of nature. Italians are very social creatures and love nothing more than spending time outdoors enjoying their surroundings and spring is most definitely the best season to do it in!

You are far more likely to receive better service and it’s easier than ever to engage in conversations with the locals and they are more eager to help you enjoy yourself even more!

3. Italy is in full bloom and there are flowers everywhere! From the many parks with trees full of blossoms and wildflowers sprouting all around, as well as beautifully scented rose gardens, most cities and towns, as well as the countryside are a riot of colours and for any nature and photography lovers spring is most definitely the best time for your adventure in Italy!

4. The weather is just right. Even though you can get the occasional downpour, especially during March and April, the temperature is milder and makes it ideal for sightseeing or enjoying walking, hiking and picnics al fresco. There’s none of the annoyance of oppressing summer heat and you can relax a lot more in the knowledge that you don’t have to shower 5 times a day!

5. You can visit Italy on a budget. Apart from the Easter period, prices for accommodation and flights are consistently cheaper and you’d be able to get a lot more for your money. You’d be spending less time buying tickets to visit major attractions and more time enjoying Italy, and certainly you’d have more time to sit in a quiet neighbourhood’s cafe’ to people watch and take in the real Italy’s daily living.


Italian viewpoint: Gianicolo Hill, Rome


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